Merry Christmas and HNY!
Hello Friends!
Welcome to the final update for 2021!
Hasn’t it been another strange year? Highs and lows, positives and negatives as we find ourselves navigating another year where the ‘pandemic’ is the new normal.
Putting all that aside, now is the time to reflect on the joy and hope of the season. To that end…
To you and yours!
I pray you find the comfort, peace and hope that comes with Christmas.
I also hope you are able to take time out over the next few weeks to rest and rejuvenate, and enjoy connections with loved ones near and far. I look forward to touching base again in the New Year with news from Antipodes Art.
In the meantime…here’s a pretty tree for you!
Thanks for subscribing and your support this year! Here’s hoping next year will be the best we’ve had for a while!