November Update

Hello Everyone!

What a wonderfully busy time the last few months has been and now that the big event of the year,


For more details click the image above


…is over, I can finally put ‘fingertips to keyboard’ and give you a newsy November catchup.

As mentioned NOS is over now and it certainly was a big event. Out of the 10 days I was open for 8 and even though borders were closed, had more than 270 visitors. In fact, some days were so busy, I had to enlist some friends to help out. It was genuinely rewarding spending time with visitors and discussing my work and techniques. A big Thank You to those who were able to pop in.

Exhibition posters were in high demand.

Framed ‘Generous Dys-Tortion’ with her new owner.

A very happy buyer with ‘A Generous Soul’

The girls loved the big Peonie!

As always it is so much fun to meet, chat and have a laugh with studio visitors.

Here’s what a few visitors had to say…

Love the emotion and the colours!! Lisa D

Intriguing! Stella P

Different and exciting! Trish A

Calm and beautiful ! Mary C

Meaningful, creative, gentle! Colleen K

Incredible and inspiring! Deb S

Great! Very interesting process! Karen L


In the meantime I have been working on Photographic commissions for buyers who have specific needs of size, space and/or colour scheme in mind. I find it rewarding to create a specific piece for an owner who I know will gain many years of joy from the work.


Studio set up working on composition and lighting.

If you couldn’t make it, not to worry and no need for FOMO.😅 There are still works available on my website here

Could you do me a favour?

Since the exhibition I have had time to tidy up my admin chores and…‘wooopsies’ my Google account is sadly lacking.🤫 Here’s where you come in…

If you’ve been to my studio, attended one of my workshops, purchased my work or had any artistic interaction with me, I would really appreciate you writing a review on google for me. (Hopefully it would be a good one…but ok??) 🤪 Your testimonials will not only help inform new visitors to my site, they also help with my advertising and search ranking to get more eyeballs on my work.👀👁

All you need to do is click the link below, write what you think and that’s it! Thanks so much for your help. 🙏🏼👍🏼

Google reviews

What else is going on?

I’m glad you asked ☺️

It’s amazing how many visitors ask me about workshops in Drawing, Painting, Photography and Photoshop. What am I offering and when are they held? There is no doubt you guys really want to learn something new but, as always, there are obstacles, like lack of time, location and so on. I know how disappointing it can be to miss out on a workshop or class because you can’t make the session or live in another time zone.

So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, drawing on my educational experience, and am currently developing something that will address the problems above and turn traditional face-to-face and online learning on it’s head!

Using current educational research I am figuring out the best ways for learners to improve their skills in the Visual Arts, while in physical and /or virtual spaces. I’m a bit excited about this (as you can tell) and am planning on introducing this new method of learning in the New Year. As my favourite subscribers, you will be the first to know and access it when it’s up and running.

In the meantime… stay tuned

Stay safe and thank you for subscribing! Your support means the world to me!