Dys-Tortion Series

‘Dys-tortion’ is an exploration of man’s influence on the environment using an original photographic technique. Beautiful soft colours undulate across the surface of these images in varying degrees of sharp focus and blur. Dark and light tones bring the viewer through a unique visual landscape of familiar and abstracted surfaces and textures. This series uses the flower as a motif to represent the natural environment and seeks to explore the effects of man’s impact on the environment through the idea of distortion. 

Imagine taking a walk through a garden expecting to see perfect specimens of all sorts of flowers, instead, you find these dystopian, mutated forms, still beautiful but not as you knew flowers to be. I have combined long exposures with a light-painting technique to develop delicate colours and a sense of dark mystery, maybe impending doom, hence the dark background. Each shot was composed using a technique that allowed the artist to visually alter some areas of the flower, with limited control. The nature of light painting and the distortion technique are both variable elements that cannot be completely controlled or repeated in subsequent shots, as a result, each image is entirely unique.